Thursday, March 3, 2016

Faith/ Are You Kidding Me? Mt. 18:15-19 NIV

Are You Kidding Me???

Mt. 18: 15-19 NIV

Purpose:         To seriously forgive means to trust in God that we can move forward in life with no shame, regrets, and knowing that we can do better every day.

15 “If your brother or sister[a] sins,[b] go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.

16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’[c]

17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be[d] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[e] loosed in heaven.

19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.


  1. Matthew 18:15 The Greek word for brother or sister (adelphos) refers here to a fellow disciple, whether man or woman; also in verses 21 and 35.
  2. Matthew 18:15 Some manuscripts sins against you
  3. Matthew 18:16 Deut. 19:15
  4. Matthew 18:18 Or will have been

Matthew 18:18 Or will have been

This is the Word of God

for the people of God.

Praise be to God.


Are You Kidding Me???

Mt. 18: 15-19 NIV

Purpose:         To seriously forgive means to trust in God that we can move forward in life with no shame, regrets, and knowing that we can do better every day.


Do you remember when you were a little toddler, how we used to believe in everything that adults told us? Actually, we believed what other little toddles told us too. Sometimes, I wish, I could be a toddler again. Have you wished the same? Have you imagined to be as wise as we are now but with the energy, innocence, and beauty of our young years? Our little world didn’t have any worries and you know why??? Because we really trusted that our caregivers were going to provide for us. We really believed that our world was good and forgiving. We had our homes that were our shelters.  We had our meals that avoided hunger in our body and mind. We had friends and toys that they were our partners in our fictional adventures. We didn’t have to worry about meetings with our bosses. Or paying taxes. Or worries about the economy, Or our retirement. Or our mortgage. Or our health. Or worries about our next president. We just lived the moment and we were full of joy and hope. If something was wrong in our little world, then we used to forgive and forget. Move on people!!!!We believed that always there was someone or something that was reliable, good, honest, and effective.[1] We knew that our needs were going to be covered. We had this golden feeling that is so rare in nowadays: trust.

What has happened in our little world? Where is this comforting feeling of trust that we cannot find easily? Where did it go? Did it go away? Where, in our life journey we left it behind? The reality is that we don’t have it anymore. We don’t have trust anymore. Sadly, remember that we carry our distrust also before God. If we don’t trust in good things can happen to us, then we can trust that God is going to do whatever He says He is going to do in our situations.

Actually, what has happened, is that our life experiences have been hard enough and constantly negative, that our little inner child which should be very alive inside us, has been lost. We need to find her/him. We cannot lose our inner child trust. When we lose our inner-trust-child, we lose the positive and contagious energy that is attractive inside us.

I want to be sure that I am explaining myself well. I am not talking of being an immature adult, a childish in the sense to be irresponsible with our words and our behavior or irresponsible with our healthy boundaries or responsibilities as healthy functional adults in society. I am talking of the blind trust that a child has. We also have to pay attention that we are a mixture between reason and feelings and that the right action is going to lead us to become more and more like Christ. In other words, our actions do not have to target only to our own good. Our actions have to be pointed to the good of the family, of the good the church, and of the society with foundation in the teachings of the Bible.

Here, is where the things start becoming very complicated. Why? Because we cannot obtain any good in us if we don’t trust in God. Someone can say, But Claudia, we believe in God.” Yes, all of us believe in God, but do we really trust in God???” The trust that I am talking, is the same trust that Jesus tells us in the beginning of this chapter, chapter 18.

In the beginning of chapter 18, after calling a child to come close to Him. Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Mat. 18:3).” We need to pay close attention to Jesus sayings in the Bible.

We have to have a blind trust if we want to become Christ for this broken world, if we want to have a permanent peaceful and joyful life, and if we want to spread the Kingdom of God. Do you know, that one of the meanings of blind is to have difficulty in understanding? Understanding, the good will of God for our lives.

Here is another very difficult passage that God gave me to work with, in this past week. Here is Jesus teaching and talking with His disciples. One of the most important things that Jesus wanted His disciples to understand was trust but trust based on forgiveness. Think for a moment about it, for some reason forgiveness and trust are such an important issue for God. It is so important that Jesus included it in the Lord’s Prayer, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Mt. 6:12).

Sometimes, we think that forgiveness can be done just one and that’s it. We can move to the next thing. Other times, we just ignore the hurting and try to keep moving in life. But, the reality is that forgiveness cannot be done just as one unimportant event and move on. The reality is that forgiveness is an ongoing process.

It is an ongoing process in the sense that if someone or something triggers our memory about the situation that we need to forgive, our mind can be tricky, and takes us again to the situation or to the person which we want to forgive. The, what do we need to do? To trust as a child and really try to let it go. It is not easy. As an adult we can think over and over about the issue that bother us. The only thing that we are going to accomplish is, to make it bigger and bigger.

On the other hand, it is true that many times, when something is not confronting, with love and understanding, can easily become big. Here, Jesus is challenging our human nature. Our tendency is to be more inclined to be hurt.  It is a reality that each one of us has been experienced a deep hurt in our lives. For example, when someone has been unfaithful, or when we have been the subject of a gossip for something that we didn’t do or say, or what about when someone has stolen from us, or lied about us or to us. Or what about we have made such mistakes that we cannot forgive ourselves. The list can be endless. The point is that each one of us has something or someone to forgive.

Are you familiar with the saying, I forgive you but I don’t forget what you have done to me!!! Well, this popular saying is complicated. One important point is that we cannot forget because if we forget then we cannot learn. How are we going to keep learning in life . . . If we forget the experience.  However, here is the difficult part, someone thinks, “I have learned from my sour experience with such and such situation or with such and such person, now what???” Well, if we really forgive then we are able to remember with no hurting, with no feeling sorry, and with no disappointment or shame. Real forgiveness takes us to other level of maturity. The divine level of God. God has chosen to apply real forgiveness in our lives because He doesn’t want to remember our wrong doings.

Real forgiveness, makes us free from any emotional or spiritual fear to be hurt again. Here is when we apply blind trust. When we really forgive, it is when we truly move forward in life. We growth. And, we know, we know inside us, when this happen to us. Sadly, not so many people can experience real forgiveness in their lives. That is why are so many people emotionally stuck and spiritually trapped in their lives.

So, Jesus keeps telling us that whatever you bind in earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. We are very important for God. Relationships are important for God. When we trust and forgive. It doesn’t mean that we have to make the person who hurt us our best friend. That means, that in our heart compassion has taken the place of hurt, and suspiciousness and doubt has been changed for blind trust. Adult Compassion and adult trust are not easy human inclinations. They are more the product of a relationship with Jesus. That means, compassion and trust are divine inclinations and more after difficult life experiences in this broken world.

My dear ones, the difficult teachings of Jesus are possible to reach, only when we decide to change our adult and distorted minds into the childlike minds that Jesus highlights. It is when we can really trust and forgive over and over again.

Let us pray,

Dear and Good Father

You want us to really trust and to permanently forgive. But, it is very difficult to do it. The true is that very often, the hurt is very deep and forgiveness and trust seem to be impossible to reach. You need to help us to reach such difficult goals in our spiritual lives because honestly we want to become more and more as Jesus Christ is. In His name, we pray. Amen.

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